March 29, 2013

2013 Legumeman Books' Schedule

The Australian publisher for my upcoming book, Topsiders, have released their line-up for 2013. 

It is as follows:

JOHN'S WORLD by R Frederick Hamilton (April)
ANTIPALADIN BLUES by Jess Gulbranson (June)
THE AWAKENING by Brett McBean (August)
TOPSIDERS by Scott Tyson (October)
THE NOCTURNE by Steve Gerlach (December)

I'm extremely happy to be working with the fantastic team at Legumeman. We are both very much looking forward to the release of my first book into the world. 

I will keep you posted as news comes to hand.


March 19, 2013

Should Have Killed The Kid - by R. Frederick Hamilton


Should Have Killed The Kid 

Who wouldn't want to read a book with that title? 

This was my second exposure to R. Frederick Hamilton's writing, the first being Spare Key. Both completely different books, but I enjoyed both.

Almost like a surreal, Aussie version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Should Have Killed The Kid deals with hopelessness, despair, right and wrong, magic, and blood. Lots and lots of blood. Don't Panic? No, you better panic. 'Cause if you don't, there's probably no salvation in sight. 

I look forward to further books (hopefully) in the series, and indeed from Hamilton. Recommended reading for lovers of horror, with a definite Sci-Fi slant, something right up my alley.

Available from LegumeMan Books